
Saturday, June 23, 2018

Adopt A Rescue Animal Today!

This spring, second graders embarked on a true PBL (project based learning) experience. 
I was inspired by this Mrs. Knights Smartest Artists' Pet Portraits.  Check out her lessons here!

When it was time to tackle our clay model magic lesson I knew my grade 2's would love it!

I started out by printing pictures of cats and dogs available for adoption from two local animal shelters, The Northeast Animal Shelter and the Cape Ann Animal Aid.  Click on their links to learn more about their animal adoption.Students created animal sketches based on these images.  

Following the sketching process, students began sculpting with Model Magic. Student's learned to push and pull and manipulate their clay to capture their animals best features!

The next step was to paint.  
Painting was divided into 2 layers over 2 days, the background and the details. 
 We also experimented with using a spot of white for the reflection in the eyes and noses.
I loved seeing their rescue animals come to life with color. 

They did such a great job - take a look!

Finally, to make this a true project based learning experience, students learned about the importance of adopting rescue animals from former Middleton student, Molly Wogan.   Molly is such an amazing young woman.  She started her own organization working and volunteering with many local Animal Shelters.  Click here to learn more about the wonderful work Molly does with PAWS New England.

We were so fortunate to have Molly come and talk to the 2nd Grade about her volunteer work. 
To prepare for Molly's visit we had a drive and collected donations for the Cape Ann Animal Aid; used linens, treats, newspapers, toys, and gift cards. 
We loved hearing how important it is to help animals and adopt a pet!

2nd grade artists used Molly's presentation as research for their persuasive arguments about "Why you should adopt a pet."  Finally, they used Chatterpix to make their special arguments!

They did such a wonderful job on their Chatterpix arguments.  

 Begin's Class 

Kennedy's Class

LeVangie's Class

Mulligan's Class

What did you think?  
Did they persuade you to adopt a new cat or dog?!

1 comment:

  1. Wow its a nice art works! This a great activity to pursue the campaign. In the orange county animal shelter in our community we also help and supports the pet community by "adopt pets don't buy" we are proud that our pets is all from the Shelters.
