
Saturday, January 6, 2018

January Mystery Artist

Need something to keep you busy during these freezing January days? 
Research and guess this month's mystery artist!

Mystery Artist Facts:

I am a British Painter born in 1931.
I am one of the foremost op art artists.
My style developed in the 1930's when I started painting black and white works.
In addition to my paintings, I have also created many murals for 
major art museums and British hospitals. 

Submit your guess in the envelope at school or in the comments section below! 
* Include your first name, last initial, and class code ONLY for online guesses (ex. George S., 5Ha)


  1. Thanks for writing this fantastic post. I'm a long time reader but I've never left a comment.
    I've bookmarked your site and shared this on Facebook.
    Thanks again for a quality post!

    1. Thanks so much - It's so wonderful to know that someone is reading about what my students and I are doing!
